An interesting insight on Scripture

Below is a comment given by kim fabricius on Benjamin Myers' fascinating quote from Augustine over at the Faith & Theology blog.

"On my desk stands a small wood sculpture, the work of an unknown Tanzanian artist. It portrays an African woman on her knees. What captures one's eyes is her tattooed face, where a big smile is beginning to break through her otherwise severely symmetrical features. It is as if she is going to reveal a great secret which has given her deep joy. The secret obviously relates to the book with the cross which she holds high above her head.

"In this sculpture the artist wanted to capture the climax of a story often told in East Africa. A simple woman always walked around with a bulky Bible. Never would she part from it. Soon the villagers began to tease her: 'Why always the Bible? There are so many books you could read!' Yet the woman kept on living with her Bible, neither disturbed nor angered by all the teasing. Finally, one day she knelt down in the midst of those who laughed at her. Holding the Bible high above her head, she said with a big smile: 'Yes, of course there are many books which I could read. But there is only one book which reads me!'"

Hans-Ruedi Weber, Experiments with Bible Study (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1981), p. vii.

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