dia in su il fantasma

"Meaningless! Meaningless!"
says the Teacher.
"Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless."
Ecclesiastes 1:2

I only knew her for a few minutes.

Yet her life speaks so much about how meaningless and unfair the world is...

I can still remember how I carried her beaten and bloodied body to the vet and buried the husk that once hosted her life in a shallow grave in our front yard.

I didn't even got the chance to know her name...

She was so young and yet so thin...so hungry...hungry enough to risk being mauled by our dog Hershey who thought her presence was an invasion of our house...

Our lunch cut short with the sound of agonized howling and the sight of her at the mercy of Hershey’s jaws. It took a splash of cold water for Hershey to release her from her death grip...

A punctured lung. A broken spleen. Ravaged intestines. The sight of her limping in a pool of blood.

Three bloody syringes to the heart ends her misery, her life and all its meaninglessness.

A glass eye. A still body. A contented frown.

What could be more tragic than dying young, hungry, painfully and unloved in the arms of strangers?

The mystery of life and death in barely sixty minutes of anguish and tears.

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