...and there was light

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5

Just as the sun began to rise and the brightness of this Easter dawn was beginning to surround us in our ecumenical worship, water gushed forth from the giant fountain at the Quezon Memorial Circle's Liwasang Aurora, a sight that I would like to believe is God's reminder of the breaking in of His Kingdom of Light that was ushered by the Resurrected Christ who rose from the grave on the third day.

This breaking forth of God’s Kingdom affirms that history is a series of unique events, which are significant because they point toward a time of fulfilment, which will be brought about by God. History is going somewhere. It is the arena where God is active. Since God’s activity is not limited just to history, this means that our history will have final significance because it is related to all of God’s activity, both here and beyond1. And on the first Easter morning, it is as if ‘the fountains of the great deep’ are broken open, and we are allowed to see, like Peter and John at the empty tomb, into the darkness for a moment – and find our world turned upside down, joy made possible2. Thus the resurrected Christ lives and continues to live in us to empower us to work in partnership with God in bringing about God’s eternal plan3.

May the light of God, in whom our hope rests make us new even now, as he continues to make all things new

1. Brown, Robert McAfee. The Bible Speaks to You (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1955) p.205
2 Williams, Rowan. Archbishop of Canterbury's 2011 Easter Sermon [http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/articles.php/1926/archbishop-of-canterburys-2011-easter-sermon]
3. Lazaro, Nathanael. Coke and the Cross: An Easter Message [http://nccphilippines.org/site/2011/04/13/coke-and-the-cross-an-easter-message/]

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