An 'Evangelical Manifesto'?

In a nutshell: Evangelicals are Christians who define themselves, their faith, and their lives according to the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth.1

I am one of those people on the evangelical world who have come to the conclusion that there is an urgent need to rescue evangelicalism from the politics of the Religious Right, this is quite an encouraging piece for kindred souls out there who are as discouraged as I am with how so-called 'American evangelicalism' has tarnished its witness to the Gospel of Christ.

below are some interesting takes on the said Manifesto:

Inhabitio Dei

Fors Clavigera

The Blogging Parson

Faith and Theology Blog

also please do find time to read it here


1An Executive Summary of AN EVANGELICAL MANIFESTO, The Washington Declaration of Evangelical Identity and Public Commitment , May 7, 2008; Washington, D.C. p

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