Does statistics stand in favor of "seeker sensitive" church programs?

I'm not a fan of 'mega-church' mentality among evangelicals these days, especially I'm not comfortable with the use to the term "seeker". Maybe I'm just a Calvinist at heart....

But I really think that theologically how contemporary Christian churches that are part of the church growth movement within Evangelical Christianity which emphasizes missionary work combined with sociological awareness of the target population. The seeker sensitive label for this approach characterizes the would-be converts as "seekers," is errant in so many ways that I would rather deal with on another occasion.

For now I will just simple talk about how they are in terms of figures that church growth and individual spiritual growth, Willow Creek Community Church recently conducted a major survey that shows heavy involvement in "seeker sensitive" programs and activities contributed to church growth, but did not translate into spiritual growth and maturity. Church leaders have stood up and admitted, "We made a mistake.

I love Willow Creek's honesty and perhaps this will lead to more depth in their manner of proclaiming the Gospel and I hope that this would contribute to other churches that seek to follow their direction...

To read more about Willow Creek's survey visit: Rethinking Church Where Is Willow Creek, and Where Are We?

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