The world needs whipping boys...

A meme is an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture. We can see this at work whenever we'd log in to Facebook or Twitter and the pause for a while and watch the updates feed refresh in real-time. I've often seen this at work and to tell you honestly I am starting to question the kind of collective consciousness that flourishes in the world wide web. Christopher Lao's 'I was not informed' news clip is a case in point of how we've come to exploit recent strides in technology for making juvenile and asinine pokes at people like Lao. Don't get me wrong I myself see him as an arrogant douche, however I think what was done to him is not only harsh but destructive. This I think shows our unquenchable thirst for self-assurance that we are not as bad as this and that person. But reality check we are what we post, like and share on our social media personas. The memes that have come to popularity since the advance of the internet in the late 90s is a testament of our twisted sense of humor that comes at the expense of unwilling victim whose lives are forever scared for our sake. God help us all...

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