after the long leave of absence

I could not believe that a week has past since I've last posted in this blog.

To start with a lot really happened and I'd like to keep most of that stuff for myself for now. As expected I think I might be suffering from a temporal lack of ideas of things to write about, honestly that is not really the case I have a lot of these ideas in my head right now but the problem is I just can't put those stuff into conceivable writing. Another is that I am in such a state that I am really lazy on doing a lot of stuff right now. Also worth mentioning is that I have been given a larger work load which sucks, but nevertheless I can't do anything about it really. Lastly I've been rendered sick with this cough and cold that has been plaguing me for more than a week now and as far as I'm concerned I cannot see it going away in the near future. And as I look back on those stuff I think that God really is cooking something up for me, which I have no idea of what it is exactly yet but rest assured that I may not know what the future may hold for me but I know for certain who holds my future, and with that I yield everything into God's able hands.

On a lighter side, it's really nice that I've discovered these several new opportunities for furthering my knowledge on web design as well as in the area of video editing because I've recently discovered these new short courses offered by MFI pertaining to those subjects which I think seem to be reasonably priced. And I'm considering on taking up those two short courses along with Jeanie (who happens to be in Baguio right now and for the entire week.) Before ultimately embarking on taking up my masteral in either UP or in AIJ.

By the way the links portion of the blog has recently been updated, I hope you'll find the new links worthwhile.

That's it I guess. I have a lot of work to finish and I hope this indicates that I'm still alive and well.


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