site updates and whatnot

I pretty much have nothing to write about other than to give you folks some updates on my other projects that I'm working on that are in one way or another related to m35b.

First up is that I've already finished adding PayItForwad to the Unity of Opposites site ring. As well as have finished some customizations for the site. Another is that I've recently changed the layout of Pinay Blood Rush making it appear more sleek or something (though I'm not so sure about that so you be the judge.)

Lastly is that I'd like thank the people who've been visiting this blog and that its already nearing to 2000 visitors already so I just urge everyone of you to come and continue to visit this site and if in any case you won't mind please do sign my guestbook.


God bless.


By the way check out the new post over at PayItForward if ever you're interested. Thanks.

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