
I has taken me a long time to put things into writing.
I am not in a good place right now.
I am overwhelmed.
I have been feeling like this for more than a year now --but more so at the start of this year.
With so many things happening I often feel like I'm hanging on a thread.
Oftentimes I'm too exhausted to pause and consider.
I just feel tired.
Too tired to even stop and think and more so to write.
Can't articulate.
Just cry.

1 comment:

The space in between said...

Hi I was doing my devotional and I chance upon your blog. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your works. Do keep it up,God did not promised us a smooth sailing life while we living on this earth we will have our down moments. I do not know how should I encourage you? But I hope you know that He loves you very much. You can feel really depressed but you know He love you very much and He is there with you, closer than the very breath you take. Please continue to read His Words and trust in Him? P.G